In drawing up our 2030 Roadmap, we have evolved from our previous purpose of “Unlocking the power of amino acids to resolve the food and health issues” to “Contributing to the well-being of all human beings, our society and our planet with "AminoScience".” This new Purpose reflects our desire to contribute not only to solving food and health issues, but also to well-being beyond that, by leveraging our strengths in "AminoScience".

In order to achieve our vision for 2030, we will implement management reforms in medium-term ASV initiatives. We will discontinue conventional medium-term planning in which we accumulate profit elaborately. In its place, we will evolve toward management in which we determine a long-term vision, set challenging “ASV indicators” under the leadership of top management, and back-cast.
"ASV indicators" consist of economic value indicators that indicate financial value (performance) obtained by the Ajinomoto Group through its business, social value based on the values Ajinomoto Group wants to provide and co-create, and indicators for strengthening intangible assets that support those values.
We will continue to pursue new value and business model transformation. Furthermore, we aim to enhance corporate value while promoting medium-term ASV initiatives that continues to challenge the ASV indicators.

By leveraging the strengths of our unique "AminoScience", we aim to achieve dramatic growth in four growth areas: "Healthcare", "Food & Wellness", "ICT" and "Green". These areas were defined through our basic policy to focus on areas where there is great market growth potential and social value.

In the 2020-2022 Medium-Term Management Plan, we worked on structural reforms, achieved steady organic growth, focused on core businesses, and promoted asset reduction in order to realize sustainable growth in the future.
Toward 2030, we aim to achieve a highly profitable, unique, and robust structure by shifting to growth in the four outcome-driven growth areas through evolution of core businesses and business model transformation.

Placing sustainability at the core of our management, we will innovate in our business and will achieve ASV by enhancing the value of four intangible assets: human, technology, customer, and organization.

Our new 2030 ASV indicators and their associated targets inherit some of the KPIs from the Phase 2 of the 2020–2025 Medium-Term Management Plan, while adding ROE and EBITDA margin. We will continue to enhance our corporate value by ensuring each and every employee continues to take on new challenges to achieve ASV indicators, which are consisted of economic value indicators, social value indicators, and strengthening intangible assets.

We will maximize corporate value through a cash allocation policy mindful of capital cost. We will give the highest priority to investments that will enhance organic growth of our business and M&A but will also actively work to strengthen sustainable shareholder returns.